Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado
2,650 sq ft
1 radiotherapy vault/treatment room
1.5 days
Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado, also known as, VRCC Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Hospital (VRCC) in Sheridan, CO was in need of a new veterinary radiotherapy center so they could provide improved radiation treatment to animals with cancer.
They were looking for a quick and convenient solution that would allow them to upgrade their services in the region.
The Solution
RAD provided VRCC with a pre-existing radiotherapy facility.
This facility originally served as a Temporary Radiotherapy Vault, or RAD Temp, and was used by cancer centers from coast to coast, in five States and the District of Columbia, to treat patients while those cancer centers upgraded their radiotherapy equipment. The building includes a treatment room, control room, reception area, waiting room and exam room. Taking advantage of a pre-existing facility provided VRCC with a cost-effective solution that met their project schedule.
While the site prep was taking place, RAD refurbished the facility, installed new flooring and upgraded the HVAC and lighting systems to ensure optimal conditions for both the staff and the animals they treat. RAD installed the 2650 sq ft facility in just 1.5 days. VRCC then constructed additional site-built space that was connected to the radiotherapy building to create one comprehensive veterinary center.