Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Here, you can find answers to some commonly asked questions about our innovative modular solutions for medical and veterinary facilities.

Shaping the future

Experience the future of healthcare infrastructure with RAD's revolutionary modular solutions. With a focus on speed, adaptability, and patient-centered solutions, RAD's common sense approach ensures seamless upgrades, expansions and additions using temporary or permanent modular construction, all while maintaining regulatory compliance and industry-leading standards. Read on for more information.

Company FAQ's

What is RAD's core focus? 01

RAD Technology Medical Systems specializes in innovative modular solutions for medical facilities, including radiotherapy centers, proton therapy centers, emergency departments, diagnostic imaging suites, sterile processing facilities, medical oncology clinics and more.

What is RAD’s modular build process? 02

Simultaneous to your site’s preparation for the new facility, the modules are constructed remotely in a factory with a controlled environment, saving time and resources. At the factory, the modules are engineered to connect to adjacent units as well as those above and below for multi-story applications. Water, HVAC, power, sprinklers and other systems are preinstalled in the modules before they leave the factory. RAD transports the nearly completed modules to the site for assembly and connection to onsite utilities. This concurrent construction process accelerates the project timeline to achieve completion months and sometimes years ahead of the increasingly obsolete, linear timeline building method.

Is RAD a private or publicly traded company? 03

We are a privately-held company with deep industry affiliations and an international reach.

Does RAD provide design services? 04

Yes. RAD’s A&E department manages the design of all of our projects.

Can RAD work with our architect? 05

Yes. It is often advantageous to work with a client’s locally licensed professionals.

Can RAD provide a custom design? 06

Yes, the RAD Center and all of our specialty healthcare facilities are fully customizable. The RAD Vault has a standard 40' x 40’ footprint, but it can be reduced where space is limited or expanded to accommodate total body irradiation (TBI) or other specialty procedures. The floor plan, features, and all interior and exterior finishes can be customized to meet your program requirements and your local environment and preferences.

Can RAD provide construction services? 07

Yes. Our standard pricing excludes all sitework. However, RAD can provide full turnkey project construction services at an additional cost upon request.

Are you able to deliver anywhere in the world? 08

RAD currently delivers to North, Central, and South America and to Western Europe.

How long does it take to deploy RAD's modular facilities? 09

Deployment times vary based on project size and complexity, with some facilities ready for use within weeks of project start. RAD’s unique leasing bypasses the capital procurement process, accelerating project initiation and completion years ahead of the increasingly outdated traditional paradigm.

Are RAD’s products completed faster than traditional construction? 10

Yes, because factory construction runs concurrently with site preparation, RAD can deliver and turn over your medical space up to 50% faster than a traditional builder. This accelerated timeline translates to additional revenue and lends new meaning to the phrase: Time is Money! In addition, due to RAD’s unique operating lease component, our customers avoid the capital procurement process, thus advancing projects by months or even years. In some capital procurement environments, RAD’s operating lease option could make the difference between fully realizing one’s vision and doing nothing at all.

Can RAD's modular buildings be relocated to different sites? 11

Yes, RAD's modular facilities are relocatable, freeing clients to explore new markets or adapt to changing facility needs.

Can RAD's modular facilities serve as temporary solutions during renovations or expansions? 12

Absolutely, RAD's versatile modular buildings can be utilized as temporary “enabling” facilities to maintain the continuity of medical services during construction projects.

Does RAD offer permanent facilities? 13

Yes, RAD provides permanent modular facilities for various medical purposes. These structures are designed to meet long-term requirements and provide a durable, high-quality solution that often exceeds traditional construction methods. These permanent facilities serve as state-of-the-art medical centers, and can include diagnostic imaging suites, surgical units, cancer centers, and more, offering flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and a faster path to completion than outmoded conventional building approaches.

Can RAD provide turnkey solutions for medical facilities? 14

Yes, RAD offers comprehensive turnkey solutions, from design and development to equipment installation, providing clients with a hassle-free experience.

RAD Temp (Mobile Vault Solution)s FAQ's

What is the RAD Temp? 01

The RAD Temp is a standalone radiotherapy facility designed to work in tandem with your existing radiation therapy department, replacing elements lost during linear accelerator upgrades. It can also serve as a quick service expansion to enhance existing capacity while awaiting permanent project completion. This mobile vault solution is available for lease for 3 months or more. The RAD Temp includes a pre-installed and pre-commissioned linear accelerator, furniture and decor, patient waiting and reception, gowning and sub-waiting, control room, restroom and office area.

What site work must be performed prior to the RAD Temp installation? 02

Prior to the RAD Temp install, essential site work includes provision of a 480vac, 3-Phase, 235A electrical service connection from a nearby transformer, switchboard or temporary generator, and installation of a minimal foundation utilizing RAD's patented foundation design which minimizes costs by allowing much of the shielding to fall directly to the ground. RAD’s foundation is reusable by our customers, making future upgrades more efficient and cost-effective. The RAD Temp's on-board freshwater and wastewater tanks require periodic servicing by a local sanitary service provider, with the option for a direct connection to city water and sewer if desired.

How much land is needed for the RAD Temp? 03

The footprint of the RAD Temp structure is approximately 43’ x 61’. The amount of land needed to accommodate the RAD Temp depends on local zoning ordinances and specific site conditions. Soils, Floor/area ratios, impervious surface, yard setbacks, fire separation distances, and potential unique site features all influence the size of the lot needed to accommodate the RAD Temp.

How large is the RAD Temp treatment room? 04

The interior of the vault is 15’ x 23’. This allows full rotation of the Gantry and Collimator and full 90-degree CW rotation of the couch, but only about 25-30 degrees of CCW rotation with the couch partially or fully extended.

How long does the site prep take before putting the building in place? 05

Approximately 2 to 4 weeks.

How long does the RAD Temp installation take? How long will it be before we’re able to treat patients? 06

Once the site is ready to receive the RAD Temp, it will take approximately 2-7 days to ship the facility to your site. It takes approximately 2 days to set the building on the foundation and a total of 5-7 days (from setting the first module) to make beam and perform a radiation safety survey. Clients can typically begin treating patients within 28-30 days of setting the first module*.* California clients will have an additional State mandated waiting period as they petition for “Approval to Treat”.

What are the lease options for the RAD Temp? 07

The minimum lease period is 3-months, and a lease term can be extended on a month-to-month basis thereafter. The TRV can be leased for up to 36 months, and discounts are provided for initial lease terms of 6 months or longer.

What is the maintenance agreement with the RAD Temp, and how long will it take to get service if needed? 08

The RAD Temp facility is fully warrantied during the term of the lease, and the accelerator is fully covered under the lease via a standard “full-service” agreement with the manufacturer (or provider of your choice). Under the agreement, the client calls the linac service provider directly for service.

Once the RAD Temp is removed, what is the cost to have the location restored to its original condition? 09

This is a site-by-site evaluation. RAD’s patented foundation system is designed to be installed below grade. When the RAD Temp is removed, the foundation can be covered up and left in place. The parking lot can then be restored to its original condition, and the RAD Temp foundation will be available for use in 7-10 years when you’re ready for your next equipment upgrade.

Radiotherapy Vaults & Clinics FAQ's

How big is the RAD Vault? 01

The standard RAD Vault exterior dimensions are 40’ x 40’. The interior of the vault is a nominal 24’ x 23’. The RAD Vault exterior footprint can be reduced to 32’ x 36’ or even as small as 32’ x 32’ where site space is limited.

How long does it take to install a RAD Vault or RAD Center? 02

The RAD Vault/RAD Center can be installed in as little as a week. Depending on the size of your project, completion all of the interior and exterior finishes occurs in 3 to 10 weeks.

What accelerators can be included in a RAD Vault? 03

RAD’s vaults accommodate any accelerator currently on the market, and our modular technology allows the installed facility to adapt to meet the needs of future products. RAD has years of experience working together with linear accelerator vendors who are very familiar with our projects.

Post install, can we switch out from one brand of linac to another? 04

RAD’s universal base frame socket, built into the floor of our vaults allows us to easily swap out base frames from different manufacturers without saw cutting and without changing the isocenter.

How do you shield? 05

RAD’s structural steel modules provide the necessary structure for the treatment room surrounded by empty voids during shipping and assembly. Once assembled on site, locally procured granular and flowable fill material is poured into the shielding voids around and above the treatment room to form a complete and impervious shielding envelope.

Can my RAD Vault or RAD Center be moved to a new location? 06

Yes, relocating an existing RAD Vault or RAD Center can be done for about half the price and in a fraction of the time required to design and build a new facility from scratch.

What energy levels can you shield against? 07

We can shield for all machines currently on the market; typically, up to 18MV for linac vaults and up to 250MV for Proton accelerator vaults.

Can RAD provide multiple vaults? 08

Yes, RAD vaults are scalable and can be placed side by side to economize on shielding.

Can you place a vault into an existing facility? 09

RAD’s products are not designed for installation into existing facilities unless the ceiling is 60’ or more. We can add a RAD Vault or RAD Center on the perimeter of existing structures, or the RAD Center can operate as a satellite facility.

Can you put a vault on top of an existing building? 10

Not likely, as most existing structures cannot sustain the extreme load. We can usually provide a vault (and supporting space, if desired) next to an existing facility or on nearby land.

Are you able to meet the different radiation safety regulations internationally? 11

Yes, RAD has met or exceeded all radiation safety regulations in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Mexico.

Modular Construction FAQ's

What is RAD’s modular construction process? 01

Simultaneous to your site’s preparation for the new facility, the modules are constructed remotely in a factory, saving time and resources. At the factory, the modules are engineered to connect to adjacent units as well as those above and below for multi-story applications. Water, HVAC, power, sprinklers and other systems are preinstalled in the modules before they leave the factory. RAD transports the nearly completed modules to the site for assembly and connection to onsite utilities. The concurrent construction process accelerates project completion by months or even years, and allows clients to start providing services and generating revenue sooner.

Can you build multi-story facilities? 02

Yes, our facilities can be single or multi-story.

Are your facilities “green?” 03

Yes, modular construction is inherently green. Parts of, or whole facilities can be disassembled, relocated, and reused. In addition, factory construction allows for less waste and improved air quality, and substantial reduction of onsite nuisances and disruption.

To what code are your buildings constructed? 04

Modular buildings are constructed to the same local and state building codes, health standards, regulations, and safety codes as traditional construction.

What are your veterinary industry solutions? 05

All of RAD’s radiotherapy facilities can be used for the veterinary industry. In addition, RAD often has products in inventory, including linear accelerators, that have come off lease and are newly available for lease or for resale at fair market value.

Does RAD offer off pre-leased products? 06

Yes, RAD often has products in inventory, including linear accelerators, that have come off lease and are newly available for lease or for resale at fair market value.

How are RAD’s modular facilities different from conventional trailers? 07

RAD's modular facilities are designed with cutting-edge, proprietary technology and built to last. In fact, our products meet and often exceed standards of traditional construction. RAD’s modular facilities offer high-tech equipment and customizable layouts to meet the specific needs of medical and veterinary practices. Additionally, RAD's modular facilities offer the same permanent feel and appearance as conventional buildings – and provide a comfortable and welcoming environment for patients and staff. They can be temporary with short-term leases or permanent for a long-term investment with the flexibility to adapt to evolving needs. Some of our clients’ products include custom interior and exterior finishes to create a seamless nexus to other buildings on their campus.

What sets RAD’s technology apart from traditional construction methods? 08

RAD's modular approach offers unique financing consisting of an operating lease, substantially accelerating construction timelines, accelerating revenue and patient access to treatment, adaptability for future technology upgrades, and a major reduction of onsite disruption experienced on conventional construction sites.

Pricing & Financing FAQ's

Does RAD provide leasing options? 01

Yes, RAD offers operational leasing options, empowering clients to access state-of-the-art medical equipment and facility solutions without significant upfront capital costs.

What are the benefits of an operating lease? 02

An operating lease provides a financially flexible option disconnected from your capital budget and requiring minimal upfront capital investment. Project initiation and completion are expedited months, and often years. Additionally, lease payments are tax deductible, providing a cost-effective approach to your healthcare expansion.

When does the lease start? 03

Once the client has Beneficial Use of the structure and starts moving in furniture, fixtures, equipment and supplies.

Does the lease price include shipping? 04

Our initial standard pricing excludes the cost of transportation, but this and other costs can be wrapped into the lease upon request. Shipping fees vary based on proximity to manufacturing plants and other details specific to the project.

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